Group promotes action in support of the right to literacy

Group promotes action in support of the right to literacy

According to data from INEP, the percentage of children struggling to read and write more than doubled from 2019 to 2022 due to the challenges faced by the national education system amid the realities of isolation during the pandemic. Today, schools and teachers are racing against time to reverse this educational deficit in order to minimize its long-term effects on education.

In this context, the Group has launched a campaign aimed at collecting children’s books. The collected books were donated to the Library of Santa Rita de Ouro Preto Municipal School, a district where the Group has its Maynart enterprise. The school has dozens of students aged 5 to 7, an appropriate age for complete literacy.

For the campaign, the Group mobilized its employees, who, together with the company, acquired more than 160 new children’s books, in addition to 60 used books in excellent condition, all geared towards the early years. These books aid in the basic educational process, including those that tell stories, teach letters, colors, and animals.

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