Group President receives FIEMG’s highest honor

Group President receives FIEMG’s highest honor

President of the Group is among the executives awarded the highest award given by FIEMG – Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais

Last night, 25/05, hundreds of executives and authorities from Minas Gerais participated in a ceremony promoted by FIEMG in celebration of Industry Day. On the occasion, Romero Ferreira , president of the Group, received the Industrial Merit medal – the highest honor granted by the Federation.

The title honors the businesspeople who have contributed, over the last few years, to the importance of the Minas Gerais industry, contributing to the maintenance and generation of jobs and income in Minas Gerais and Brazil. The traditional event, which moves the political and business world of Minas Gerais every year, has been taking place for over 50 years and was first honored by President Juscelino Kubitschek. Every year around fifteen executives receive the commendation, after a long evaluation process by an Executive Committee.

During the event, which took place at Minascentro , in the capital of Minas Gerais, Romero also received greetings from some of the Group’s employees and business partners.

According to the president of NEC and founder of CEI Energética, receiving the title is a very great honor. “Remembering the founding of the Group and seeing where we have come gives us an indescribable feeling. To our partners, colleagues and customers, we continue on an even greater path together!”, highlights the honoree.


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